April 02, 2014

a day in the life // family

So for the past 4 days both Oscar and I have been held hostage at home, due to being ill! My darling little man started off with a cold and ended up having a very bad case of croop and I had some feral virus where my body just shut down. Temperatures, headache for days, sore throat just YUK. 

How ever we have managed to get through a very tough,long few days|nights and I am so proud of all of us…cause we managed to pick up from where we left off last week and get ourselves out into the fresh air! Hubby wanted to do something a little different than our usual Newcastle/Bar Beach/ Merewether Beach coffee, so we ventured a little further south to Caves Beach. 

Hubby surfs here so he knew how pretty it was and he wanted to share. We found this cute little coffee shop (which happened to be my first coffee in days -you know your sick when you give up coffee) very close to the beach, as you can see from the pics below. Oscar could not wait to get down to the beach!

Hope you are all well.
L xx

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